What Are the Advantages of Dental Crown Lengthening by a Dental Implants Dentist?

Dental crown lengthening is a dental procedure often performed by a dental implants dentist to improve the health and appearance of a patient's smile. But what are the specific advantages of undergoing this procedure? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the benefits of dental crown lengthening and how it can enhance your oral health and overall well-being.


Enhanced Gum Health

One of the primary advantages of dental crown lengthening is its ability to promote better gum health. By removing excess gum tissue and exposing more of the tooth's surface, this procedure makes it easier to maintain proper oral hygiene. With improved access to the tooth's root, patients can more effectively remove plaque and bacteria, reducing the risk of gum disease and other oral health issues.


Improved Aesthetic Appearance

Another significant benefit of dental crown lengthening is its ability to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the smile. When excessive gum tissue covers the teeth, it can create an uneven or "gummy" smile, which may cause self-consciousness or embarrassment for some individuals. By reshaping the gum line and revealing more of the natural tooth structure, dental crown lengthening can create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile, boosting confidence and self-esteem.


Preparation for Restorative Procedures

Dental crown lengthening is often performed as a preparatory step for restorative dental procedures, such as the placement of dental implants or dental crowns. When a tooth is severely decayed, broken, or worn down, it may not have enough visible structure above the gum line to support a restoration effectively. In such cases, crown lengthening allows the dentist to expose more of the tooth's surface, providing the necessary space for the placement of a prosthetic restoration, such as a crown or implant.


Treatment of Gummy Smile

Some individuals have a "gummy smile," characterized by an excessive display of gum tissue when smiling. This condition can be caused by various factors, including genetics, abnormal tooth eruption, or excessive gum tissue growth. Dental crown lengthening offers an effective solution for correcting a gummy smile by removing excess gum tissue and reshaping the gum line to achieve a more balanced and proportionate smile.


Prevention of Tooth Decay

Excessive gum tissue can trap food particles and bacteria, increasing the risk of tooth decay and cavities. By removing the excess gum tissue through crown lengthening, patients can reduce the likelihood of decay and promote better oral health. Additionally, exposing more of the tooth's surface allows for more thorough cleaning during regular brushing and flossing, further reducing the risk of dental problems.


Minimally Invasive Procedure

Despite its significant benefits, dental crown lengthening is a relatively minimally invasive procedure that can typically be performed in a single visit to the dentist's office. Using advanced techniques and tools, such as lasers or specialized instruments, dentists can reshape the gum line with precision and minimal discomfort for the patient. This means less downtime and faster recovery compared to more invasive surgical procedures.



In conclusion, dental crown lengthening offers a range of advantages for patients seeking to improve their oral health and enhance the appearance of their smiles. From promoting better gum health to preparing for restorative procedures and correcting aesthetic concerns, this minimally invasive procedure can have a transformative impact on your overall well-being. If you're considering dental crown lengthening, consult with a qualified dental implants dentist to learn more about how this procedure can benefit you.